Onboarding: Verify User Information

The Verify User Information screen is the third screen in the early onboarding process. This screen is used to verify or supply required information about the applicant. Many fields on this screen are pre-populated with information from the Financials Data Warehouse (FDW). Fields that are pre-populated are not editable. Incorrect information must be corrected in the FDW. Fields with an asterisk are required.

  1. Complete the fields on this screen as defined in the table below.

  2. Click Next to continue to the Hardware and Software screen.


Field Description Required
First Name First Name of the individual you are onboarding. Yes
Preferred Name Preferred Name of the individual you are onboarding. No
Last Name Last Name of the individual you are onboarding. Yes
Supervisor Name Supervisor Name of the individual you are onboarding. This must match CAPPS information. Yes
Primary Work Location Primary Work Location of the individual you are onboarding. Yes
Desired Start Date Desired Start Date of the person you are onboarding. Yes
City City of the individual you are onboarding. Yes
Floor, Section, Cubicle Indicates the Floor, Section, Cubicle of the person you are onboarding. Yes
Position Position of the individual you are onboarding Yes
Phone Number Phone Number of the person you are onboarding. Yes
New Hire Personal Email Personal Email of the person you are onboarding so that we can reach them before their agency email has been procured. Yes
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Cancel Click Cancel to cancel this order. Button