Delegate Onboarding Tasks
Early Onboarding tasks can be delegated to anyone within the agency. The delegate does not need to be a supervisor. A delegate can't delegate an applicant that has already been delegated. Complete the steps below to delegate an applicant's early onboarding.
Login to the HHS Enterprise Portal.
Click Manage Onboarding to open the Manage Onboarding screen.
Click Delegate Onboarding in the row of the individual for whom you wish to delegate onboarding tasks. The Please Select the person you would like to delegate screen opens.
Enter search criteria in the fields provided.
Click Search to open a list of search results.
Click Select in the person's row to open the Delegation Onboarding screen.
Review the agreement and check beside it to agree to its terms.
Click Submit open the Confirmation screen.
Click Done to complete the delegation assignment.