HHSC Ombudsman
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Online Submission & Single Audit Response Form

    You can use this form to respond to the Single Audit Determination Letter and/or to submit the Single Audit Reporting Package or Financial Statements.
    Fields with asterisk (*) are required.

*Entity TIN:      
Other Single Audit FY:

Entity Details
*Legal Entity Name:
Entity Contact Title: DBA Name:
*Entity Contact First Name: *Entity Contact Last Name:
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Determination Form Information
Total State Funds Expended, including non-HHS expenditures: Total Federal Funds Expended, including non-HHS expenditures:

Entities are required to submit a Single Audit reporting package within 30 calendar days after the entity receives the audit results or 9 months after the end of the audit period, whichever is earlier. Contractors must comply with funding agency requirements and failure to complete single audit requirements may result in application of sanctions by the funding agencies. If you have any questions, please email to Single_Audit_Report@hhs.texas.gov.

(Max 500 chars)
Please upload any attachments/supporting documentation here:
(The file size of each document must be less than 10MB, and the file name should be less than 100 characters.)
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